Hello guys,I am back and I am astonished at how people kept visiting my blog even after I stopped writing.The reason I stopped is that I felt that people don't read my blog,perhaps that's the reason why we should have a "WHY" as in why we tend to get started because if your why is not robust then you are likely to leave because of not enough motivation. Just a few days ago I visited my 2018 vision board and I was reminded I had a blog I wanted to grow.The reasons for blogging was to share sensible vibes and unfold positivity(help individuals with dynamical attitude from negative to a positive).I visited the blog and found out there have been over 2000 views or visits from 300 that I left it at.I understand most were redirected to the blog from search engines however that alone will currently keep the pine  tree state going.I am even planning to start a vlog that spreads positivity too for those who prefer visuals to reading.

I have since revisited my other ideas and ideas I had about the vlog and I realized there is so much to write about,so much to do and learn.I urge you to do the same too even if the odds seem to be against you,hit that gym,start saving for that house renovation,get a drivers license,tick off items off your bucket list and be lively or once more.

Recently cancel culture has condemned in each business or facet of life and that i am with reference to evangelise too a few things we are able to learn from it.

I revisited different areas of my life and that I am willing to try to to higher even where I believe I'm  excelling as I think  there extremely could be a space for improvement.With each goal there's a why,so I would prefer to encourage you to travel back to your New Year resolutions and begin,its never  too late,it's only  February and you'll be able to conjointly return to the concepts you had years past and if the why is powerful we tend to all understand you'll get there.It does not matter what proportion time and work it'll take,lets all exhaust our choices and resources.Remember,a journey of miles begins with one step,so its better you begin today,start small  and that i guarantee you as long as there's hope,we will all concur,it does not matter what challenges and setbacks we've got,remember the why.I feel nearly consummated simply by penning this piece as I see I still have it,little by very {little} I'll  get there as long as my why does not have to be compelled to do with individuals or pleasing individuals I'll  still bring life dynamical content and one thing for you to have faith in.Hope you browse my previous diary post.Ta da!!​


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